
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to choose the right snorkeling gear - Divers Supply

 Ready to explore a whole new world? With basic snorkeling gear, you can experience the wonders that lie beneath the water's surface. Whether young or old, almost anyone can have fun with this popular sport. Make sure to take time and learn how each item - masks, fins and snorkel - works so that your adventure is as safe and enjoyable as possible! Basic snorkeling gear , along with a body of water and an hour of time is all that anyone needs to become a snorkeler. For an extra confidence boost before hitting open waters, practice in shallow areas like pools too – it'll be worth it when you realize just what lies below waiting for discovery! Ready to explore the beautiful wonders of underwater life through snorkeling? All you need is a bit of practice, some special equipment, and an awesome body of water. Then jump in - it's time for an adventure! What are Snorkeling Accessories? If you're looking to explore the wonders of underwater adventures, snorkeling accessor...

The Essential Scuba Diving Gear You Need for Your Next Adventure – Divers Supply

  Divers Supply has the perfect pieces of scuba diving equipment for your next underwater adventure with reliable set of Scuba Gear ! Take a look at our huge selection from trustworthy brands and featuring modern technology to make sure you feel secure. Whether it's a BCD, regulator, wet suit or mask - we have all the essential items so that you can experience an unforgettable dive with peace of mind. Don't forget those fins either - they will help propel you through the depths in style! With Divers Supply as your resource, be prepared to take on any aquatic challenge out there; safety first and fun too!   The Gear You Need Depends on Where You Scuba Dive. Your diving experience can be unique, no matter the environment. To make sure you're prepared to explore beneath the surface of any body of water, have a look at what kind of equipment is best for each dive situation! From tropical reefs to chilly depths below, four categories exist that will equip you with all nece...

A Few Simple Rules to follow to be an Eco-Friendly Snorkeler

  Do not touch the corals: They are sometimes mistaken for rocks due to their hard surfaces. But they are fragile living organisms, and touching or kicking a coral with fins may cause severe damage, disrupting the ecosystem. Do not harass sea lives: Avoid touching, chasing, or disturbing sea organisms that may cause stress or anxiety to the animals. It’s also illegal in some places to interact with certain sea creatures Do not feed: Feeding turtles or fish can result in messing up the natural ecosystem and influence their behavior. Avoid using harmful sunscreen: Use a biodegradable, reef-safe sunscreen that doesn’t cause any reef damage and harm sea life. Do not take anything from the ocean: Ocean ecosystems are sensitive, and even a small change can compound the environment. So, don’t pick up shells, sea urchins, starfish, or coral fragments with you even if they appear dead. Trash and debris should only be things you pick up from the ocean. So, we hope that these snorkeli...